Monday, October 1, 2018

Turned Upside Down

Christians live in a world that does not see the way God sees.  That provides some friction, but we can usually handle it.  The hard times are when life circumstances completely upend everything, and you seem to be looking at the world upside-down.  Dismay and desperation often set in, and many Christians have made poor decisions because they allow their circumstances to distort their reasoning.  

Let us remember that even though circumstances in this life vary, our dedication to God should not.  Relationships change, jobs change, housing changes, and health changes.  Why, though, would we ever allow the temporary things to change what is eternal?  Never should we forget that this life is only a means to arrive at eternity.  We should always remain focused on the day when God's faithful will have their troubles end, described in Revelation 21:3-4.

If you have been blindsided by some hard things, hold fast to God.  If you don't know God, seek Him out!  Seeing the way God sees allows the troubles of this world to have a little less weight.

Church of Christ at Vermilion
5116 Driftwood Drive
Vermilion, Ohio 44089


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