Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Fear of the Lord

For years, the slogan NO FEAR gained much traction.  Many admire a person who can say, "I'm not afraid."  Many, however, cease admiration when a lack of fear translates to an abundance of foolishness.  Never would anyone suggest that simply because one is not afraid should one venture into a lion's cage.  Simply because a person is not afraid of striding into rush-hour traffic does not mean that they ought to do it.  Many times fear can save. A failure to fear or even a misplaced fear often results in much harm.

An instructor told the story of a woman in Africa who became a Christian. Her husband was against her decision, and forbade her from assembling with the other Christians to worship God.  Sunday after Sunday, she defied her husband and assembled with the church.  Sunday after Sunday, her husband beat her for defying him.  One day he asked her, "If you know I'm going to beat you, why do you keep going to worship?"  Her reply astounded him: "I am more afraid of God than I am of you." She understood the God that she was serving.  She understood Matthew 10:28! 

How often do we fail to allow fear to have its proper role in our service to God?  While our society enjoys emphasizing God's love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness, our culture has allowed fear of God to almost vanish.  Never forget that fear of God is a valid reason to obey Him, and it ought to overrule any fear of those who would influence us against Him.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge," Proverbs 1:7.

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